Friday, 1 August 2008

Blowing my own Trumpet

This morning I received an email from Timothy Latz to let me know that my application to have my blog entered in the Best Green Blogs Directory has been successful, which I am very pleased about.
I received another email from a friend who sent me the link to A Month without Plastic, Christine Jeavons' attempt to live plastic free for the month of August. She plans to blog about it and the link to this will appear later today.

Funnily enough I was planning to do something similar myself in September and use this month as a dry run, to monitor the plastic I buy and throw away, to assess the enormity of the challenge and to consider some of the alternatives. So I shall be following Christine Jeavons' experiment with interest.
Christine Jeavons is, of course, not the first to blog about such matters. One of my favourites The Rubbish Diet, features in my sidebar.


  1. blimey!
    you are indeed the princess of the green blogs... will you still be prepared to walk to the cinema with me this afternoon??

  2. Hiya - still trying to catch up after my holiday away...great news, getting a link from the Chris' BBC site and getting added to the Best Green Blogs directory. Thanks so much for your compliments too. Something like that means as much to me. I'm now going to have a catch up with what's been happening on here. I've really missed my blog visits over the last few weeks and am glad to have found the time to drop by ;-D x
