Monday, 5 November 2012

Half Term Projects - Update

I'm afraid I didn't manage to get through my list.  I made chutney, bread and Christmas cake, finished the bunting and met up with some former workmates.  I discovered another trader who accepts Bristol pounds (The Folk House on Park Street) but only after I'd paid in sterling.  Still, I'll be better prepared next time.  I started my book but didn't got very far.

As for the rest (and the back bedroom in particular!) .....

However, as in the summer, I did other things - delivered leaflets and processed data for George Ferguson's campaign, went out to lunch, had friends round for dinner, attended a WI wine tasting evening and a mayoral election hustings, and finished off two more knitting projects.  Not as much as I would have liked, but just about enough.


  1. That's still a heck of a lot to have achieved in a week!

  2. Thanks dottycookie. Half term didn't work out exactly as planned. My sister, who was to have visited for a few days, fell ill and had to cancel, and my daughter had too much work to finish to spend the day in Cheltenham with me, all of which put a damper on the week. Still, it's important to be positive, so I appreciate your encouragement.

  3. Sounds like you were pretty busy. Not surprised you didn't get any more done.
