Thursday 1 January 2015

Dump Your Junk: Day 1

Because I would like this challenge to be more than just getting rid of stuff (although that is of course the name of the game), I thought I would chose my first item with care.

It is a book that I read some years ago and mostly enjoyed, but which I do not feel the urge to open again.  There's something so seductive about a living room lined with book shelves, and we do have a respectable collection.  But books are not meant for decoration.  They're meant to be read, and if I'm not going to read this one again then it should go to someone who will enjoy it.

So today I released it into the wild ie I left it on a chair in Zazu's Kitchen for someone else to pick up.  I've registered it on the BookCrossing website and stuck a label on the first page so that the finder can look it up and, when s/he's finished with it, can send it on its way again.

I've been releasing books on and off for the last six years, 19 to date, of which I've only been able to track three.  However one of these did end up in Arlington, Virginia.

I wonder what will happen to Chocolat.

Bon voyage!


  1. I have been trying my luck with Bookcrossing some years ago but unfortunately hardly any book I released got registered again afterwards which was discouraging. Maybe I should give it a go is just too fascinating to think a book that stood years in your living room is suddenly traveling through Virginia :-)

    1. The lack of follow up has been been disappointing. Three out of 19 isn't impressive. I just hope that, even if folk don't log the books, they at least read (and enjoy?) them. I'd hate to think of my precious books ending up in a bin. I've also never found a book. Maybe this year?

  2. I do this sometimes when I'm going on the train but I keep forgetting to use Bookcrossing, I'll need to give it a go this year. Well done for taking up the junk challenge! :)

    1. I once left a book in a train but I do worry that if no one picks up the books cleaners will just sweep them into their black plastic bags along with the rubbish.

  3. I've never heard of Bookcrossing but what a great idea. I agree, I love to see shelves of books, offering so many opportunities for complete immersion in words but I also agree that books are to be read and should not sit there for years untouched and collecting dust. I think I will give Bookcrossing a go - I've got some waiting to be disposed of.
    Caz xx

    1. Good for you. It's definitely worth at least one attempt.
