Monday 26 January 2009

Bon Appetit!

Today we began using something which I am hoping will revolutionise our packed lunch routine. Some time ago I read about bento lunchboxes. Both the girls and I were excited by them and last week I ordered them one each. As you can see, they are plastic versions of the traditional Japanese bento boxes. Inside the case there are five containers (two with lids) and a fork and spoon. The idea is that you fill each container with different food to make up a balanced meal. You could, of course, carry several separate plastic boxes to school but the bento box is much more compact - and leak proof.

I have grown to hate packing lunches. I get bored of sandwiches, no matter how many changes I ring with various breads and fillings. Then there's the waste. Sandwiches need wrapped, biscuits and cakes need to be protected against crumbling and fruit against squashing. Yoghurts and crisps come in individual packaging, invariably plastic. I'm hoping that these boxes will help me pack more exciting lunches and cut down on waste at the same time.

Today the girls had pasta with tuna and sweetcorn, grated carrot with vinaigrette, a crunch jumble (biscuit) and an apple.

Who knows what they will find in their boxes tomorrow!

PS If you would like to find out more about these boxes, including idea on what to pack them with, go to Laptop Lunches.


  1. Oh thanks for this post. I've been washing out plastic bags for school lunches and I can't tell you how tired of it I am.

  2. Hello again Blicky Kitty. I'd already switched to brown paper bags to wrap sandwiches etc and chucked the used ones in my compost bin. In fact I've not long bought a bumper pack of 1,000 bags for which I'm going to have to find another use. So much for the economies of bulk buying!

  3. These look gorgeous. Hope you find another use for the paper bags. They might come in handy for taking into shops that don't have paper alternatives :-D

  4. Love the bento boxes too!! :))

    They're lovely, glad your girls enjoyed the lunches!!
    /Doesn't the school have a programme for eating too..? Schools here in Slovenia do!)

    /hope you checked the materials and producers of the bento boxes so they're okay for eating.. had read some odd stuff on Care2 about some../

    You can always freecycle the paper bags, no? :) (or sell on eBay?)

  5. Hi Layla. UK schools provide meals at lunchtime, and there have been recent changes in the menu to make them healthier. However my daughters prefer to take a packed lunch and so do I, as I can monitor what they are eating. It's also cheaper.

    Thanks for your query on the plastic. I checked the underside of the containers and was relieved to see that they are made of polypropylene which is one of the safer forms. I have to admit that I hadn't thought of it when I bought them. There's so much to think of that I do sometimes overlook things.
