Sunday, 17 June 2012

Celebrating the Natural World

This weekend saw the annual Festival of Nature at the Harbourside.

It was a weekend of two halves.
Yesterday was cold and wet and windy.  Today was hot and sunny.
Yesterday the marquees were packed with visitors sheltering from the elements.  Today they were warm and stuffy.
Yesterday the caterers packed up early.  Today they were doing a roaring trade.
Yesterday I was filling wraps at the FareShare stall.  Today I was wandering around, listening to talks on endangered species, spotting Alys Fowler and eating rhubarb and ginger sorbet.  


  1. Is that the Rinky Dink in the photo? They used to go to the home education festival. It sounds like you've had the same weather as us!

    Kay :)

  2. Well spotted. It was the delightful Rinky Dink. The kids loved it.

    I don't know what to make of our weather. I never know from one day to the next what to expect, and am constantly getting my clothing wrong. After Saturday's downpour I was wearing my raincoat on Sunday, when I'd have been better off with a sunhat and suncream.

  3. We were there on Sunday. Had a lovely time and spotted the Rinky Dink too. Arrived in blazing sunshine and took the bus home during a massive downpour. Please can we have our summer weather back?

  4. We got home before the downpour - with a touch of sunburn! British summer. Huh!
