On Saturday we had our kitchen and bathroom floor tiles laid. It meant that we could not use either room until the following morning. Fortunately we have a second bathroom, which left only the lack of cooking and washing up facilities to cope with. We ate sandwiches for lunch and cadged an afternoon cup of tea from our neighbours but decided to eat out in the evening. We owed ourselves a wedding anniversary from way back in November and this seemed as good a time as any.
When we moved to Bedminster 18 years ago there was nowhere to eat locally, and for a while nothing much changed. However, within the last 10 years or so, a rash of pubs, cafes and restaurants has sprung up all over the area, almost too fast for us to keep up with.
So this was our first visit to
Caffe Sazz (or at least it was for Alan and girls)*. It's a Turkish restaurant specialising in mezze and impromptu belly dancing! The decor is authentic -bright mosaic lampshades, colourful costumes hanging on the walls and a large TV screen behind the bar showing snapshots of Turkish life.
The food was tasty and plentiful and the service was helpful. My only criticism was that, instead of the fresh mint tea in an exquisite glass I was expecting, I had to make do with a teabag in a cup and saucer. Ah well!
However, the best bit was that after paying the bill, and sighing with relief that we had escaped being prevailed upon to indulge in a spot of inevitably embarassing gyrations, we only had a short walk home. Eating, as well as shopping, local has much to commend it.
* My first visit was on the occasion of last year's reading group night out. We go out once a year in January because it's so hard to agree on a date in December. Besides which we need something to cheer us up after the festive season is over.