Saturday 31 March 2012

Day 31 - Where I Relax

This is our new(ish) sofa which replaced the threadbare Habitat one we'd had for 25 years.  I was sad to see it go as it held so many happy memories but I have to admit that this Cavendish sofa from Derwent is so much more comfy.  It's even worth the weeks we spent agonising over style, the size and fabric.

Well, that's it. The last day of March and its photo challenge.  Thanks to Fatmumslim for setting it and to all of you who have been following it, with special reference to Kay at Just Humans Being who has been particularly supportive in her comments.  


  1. I've really enjoyed your photos - it's nice seeing you post more too!

    Nice sofa - we have 2 grotty green ones that we've had for years...

    Kay :)

  2. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to maintain the routine of a daily post, Kay, but I'm going to try and be more regular.

    Glad you like the sofa. There's an armchair to match and, given the price we had to pay for them both, I'm hoping that they'll last even longer than our old Habitat one.
